© 2018 DDA.

Digital Dream Architect

Film, Creative, Technology & Event Services.
© 2018 DDA.

Rob Tucker
Digital Dream Architect

I provide leadership and direction for all departments at the company and am the driving force behind the functionality and look & feel of Quixel’s industry-leading products. Amongst other roles, it is my responsibility to deliver the simple and intuitive experiences at the heart of Quixel’s products, including the user interface, applications and frameworks.

Alongside Quixel, I provide services at the highest levels of the film, broadcast, marketing, entertainment, events & technology industries. From exquisite design & marketing materials, to production workflow consultancy, to £1m+ TV productions, to major worldwide event post-production infrastructure, to software architecture & design and everything in between.

I initially started my career as an editor, and was responsible for the editing of over 1,000 hours of television, and swiftly made the transition into online editing, becoming fluent with the strict and diverse quality control and distribution / delivery requirements of the production workflow.

Concurrent with this post-production work, I produced and directed over 100 hours of broadcast programming, and was the lead creative & designer on over 1,500 Apple marketing campaigns throughout Europe.

After this period, I set up digital communications agency, Three Feet High Worldwide, and provided post-production, digital distribution and encoding services to the world’s leading brands and broadcasters including Red Bull, Nike, BBC, SKY and ESPN.

In 2008, I led a development team that achieved a world first implementation of Flash Video running on iOS devices, creating a series of real-time video translation algorithms and achieving a feat Apple themselves had described as impossible.

I am a British national and graduated from The University of Kent with a First Class Honours Degree in Digital Television and Film. I have broad international working experience in USA, Africa, Europe, Australasia and the far East.

Contact rob@dda.la for more information & there is a full career breakdown on my LinkedIn profile.

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